fal secrets
Usage: fal secrets [-h] [--debug] [--pdb] [--cprofile] command ...
Manage fal secrets.
Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit
Debug: --debug Show verbose errors. --pdb Start pdb on error. --cprofile Show cProfile report.
Commands: command set Set a secret. list List secrets. unset Unset a secret.
Usage: fal secrets set [-h] [--debug] [--pdb] [--cprofile] NAME=VALUE [NAME=VALUE ...]
Set a secret.
Positional Arguments: NAME=VALUE Secret NAME=VALUE pairs.
Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit
Debug: --debug Show verbose errors. --pdb Start pdb on error. --cprofile Show cProfile report.
Examples: fal secrets set HF_TOKEN=hf_***
Usage: fal secrets list [-h] [--debug] [--pdb] [--cprofile]
List secrets.
Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit
Debug: --debug Show verbose errors. --pdb Start pdb on error. --cprofile Show cProfile report.
Usage: fal secrets unset [-h] [--debug] [--pdb] [--cprofile] NAME
Unset a secret.
Positional Arguments: NAME Secret's name.
Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit
Debug: --debug Show verbose errors. --pdb Start pdb on error. --cprofile Show cProfile report.